Partial Indulgence

Invocations / Ejaculations 

A partial indulgence is granted to one of the faithful who, in doing his duties and bearing the trials in life, offers up the burdens to God with an invocation or ejaculation.

Here are some examples:

"My God, I love Thee."

"Blessed be God."
"Jesus, Mary, Joseph, save souls."

"Jesus Mary, I adore thee, save souls."

"Heart of Jesus, I trust in Thee."

"Thy will be done."

"Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

"My God and my all."

"My Lord and my God."

Spiritual and Corporal Works

The Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy are

To counsel the doubtful,

To instruct the ignorant,

To admonish sinners,

To comfort the afflicted,

To forgive offenses,

To bear wrongs patiently and

To pray for the living and the dead.

The Seven Corporal Works of Mercy are

To feed the hungry,

To give drink to the thirsty,

To clothe the naked,

To harbor the harborless [shelter the homeless],

To visit the sick,

To visit the captives [those in prison] and

To bury the dead.


Abstaining from the things that are pleasing to oneself.


Some prayers that grant Partial Indulgence. (See Prayers section.)