For Holy Souls

(Souls in Purgatory):

During the month of November, the Catholic Church offers a special opportunity to gain plenary indulgences for the souls in purgatory. Here’s how you can obtain these indulgences:


The Vatican has renewed the decree allowing the faithful to offer plenary indulgences for the souls in purgatory during November. (The usual prerequisites still apply)

Indulgences granted from November 1 to 8. 

Practice: Visit a cemetery and pray for the holy soul.

Suggested prayers include the Prayer of St. Gertrude or the Eternal Rest prayer.

All Souls Day - Nov. 2 - An Indulgence for a holy soul:

On All Souls Day, there is an alternate option to gain a plenary indulgence for a holy soul.

Practice: Piously visit a church or oratory and recite the Our Father and the Creed,